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Swimming Pool Safety - Common Sense Tips


  • Children that can't swim should never be allowed in or near a pool without direct adult supervision at all times.
  • Children that are 4+ years old should be required to take basic swimming classes.
  • Swimming pool covers should extend beyond the pool itself - if someone were to fall into the water while a cover was on the pool, there's a good chance they can get tangled up in the cover and drown.
  • Do you know CPR? If you don't, then you should take a class, especially if you're a frequent pool party host.
  • Glass should never be allowed in or near a pool. While it's nice to drink from glass bottles, broken glass cannot be seen in the water and can easily slice open a bare foot. All drinks should be carried in or transferred to a plastic cup.
  • People who know how to swim are just as likely to become a drowning victim as someone who doesn't!
  • Running alongisde the pool (or to jump into it) should be avoided. Slipping and falling on pavement can easily result in a head injury, and if your momentum carries you into the pool, you could drown.
  • Do you have a phone nearby? Pool accidents can happen in a split second and if you need to dial 911 for an ambulance, you should have a phone nearby at all times. Make sure your guests know where the phone is located as well
  • Flotation devices are not the same as direct adult supervision - do not rely on them like you would a babysitter!


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